Hand Technique Ostinato


Well-known Member
Hey guys!

Here's a good exercise that was shown to me by John Riley who got it from Joe Morello if I'm not mistaken. You play triplets with one hand with an accent on the beat then read some eight notes over that. In this case, I'm playing the first line of "Syncopation" on page 38. You can also find other exercises like those in Joe's book "Master Studies" on page 76.


I hope you'll enjoy.
Thanks for the instruction. I practice that and other "odd" things but never having had any formal lessons I never knew what to call it. However having had orchestral training I'm familiar with the term ostinato but not sure that's an accurate description of what you're doing. It is repetitive nonetheless. Thanks again. JW
You're welcome.

Joe Morello refers to those as "Ostinato Studies" in his book so I went with that.

Thanks for the instruction. I practice that and other "odd" things but never having had any formal lessons I never knew what to call it. However having had orchestral training I'm familiar with the term ostinato but not sure that's an accurate description of what you're doing. It is repetitive nonetheless. Thanks again. JW