Keyboard track during show


Junior Member
Hi every one,

this is my first post ever on a forum, if I do something wrong, do not bother to tell me!! lol

I want to know how I could play a keyboard or additionnal track in a show! I am in a metal band with guitars, bass, drum and vocals, but we have some keyboard track without a keyboard player. We want to play them live but I don't know what is the best way to play it and be synchonize with it. I already play with guitar pro sample from my Ipod in jam.

Maybe something with a DI or something!!

Thank you!!
If it were me, I would record the keys to a click track, keys panned hard left, click panned hard right.

Then run the ipod to two DI boxes, or a single stereo DI box.

Then the channel with the click only goes to the drummers monitor, the track with the keys goes to the rest of the bands monitors and Front of house (FOH).

Make sure you give yourself enough lead time on the track to get comfortable before the click starts. Like 5 seconds of silence, then click starts 1, 2, 1 2 3 4 or whatever the count looks like, then you are off to the races...

Also, if you are going to run off an ipod, make sure it won't want to play multiple tracks. It would be embarrassing if you finished your tune, and some random tune started playing while getting ready for the next song...
Hey thank you! That's a great idea. Does the Di you proposed split the stereo signal in two mono signal? So I only hear my click and the rest of the band hear the other channel? Or I have the two panned signals in my ears?
That DI or two separate DI boxes will make 2 mono signals that will go to two inputs on your mixer.

If you can run stereo in ears then pan the signals left and right as preferred.

Yes, you will be the only person to hear the click. When setting up the click channel during sound check, you will set the gain on the board like normal, set the monitor send like normal. But you won't slide the fader up. If you slide the click fader up the audience will hear what you hear.
Cool!! Thank you!! I'll check that!!!