Crooked fingers from drumming so long?


Senior Member
After all these years of playing drums (although nearly less than ten years), I have noticed that my fingers on both hands (mainly the two middle fingers) have deviated outward. I have used the "match grip" and have had.. or thought I have good technique. I think my family has a history of arthritis and other joint problems, and actually my knuckles seem to be swollen. I played in high school band, and I've played off and on for the past ten years- (taking a sabbatical recently due to earning a college degree). Any doctors on here or anyone with knowledge regarding this issue? I read some articles about children who have played video games early in life, and their fingers grew accustomed to the game controller, making them (the fingers) deviate. After reading that, I thought drumming might have something to do with it. - see how the index finger is an example of what i'm describing? That isn't my hand.. and my finger is bent slightly more than that of which is showing.

any ways or suggestions of ways to fix it?
