Duallist D4


Junior Member
I just got my new Duallist D4 pedal in the other day and i can not get it adjusted to save my life lol. Any advice? i've spent hours messing with the springs and it still feels really awkward - it doesn't have that smooth-easy feel of the double bass. Can someone please take full-All around pics of one and maybe i can get a idea of how to adjust the springs or something? Thanx!
It's bound to feel a little odd because of the design. May take a little time getting use to or it just may not be the right pedal for you. You are asking a single cam and pedal to take care of the work of two.
Keep working at it. It took me a while to get mine set correctly. Also, do not expect the secondary beater to feel or respond just like the first one. This pedal is quite unlike any other and needs and deserves some adjustment from the player - not a huge amount, but some. Adjusting the beater shaft length might also help.