Where can I buy concert toms?

New?Canopus is selling them,and Tama also displayed some at NAMM his year,though,I don't know if thay are a special order item..There are lots of them on Ebay,especially vintage Ludwig,Tama,Slingerland.

Steve B
Most large companies (Ludwig, Yamaha, Mapex, Tama etc) offer concert toms as part of their concert percussion line, rather than integrating them with kits. I'm sure you can special order them from Gretsch, and I know DW will make them. Custom builders can certainly make them as well. Or you can seek them on Ebay or Craigslist.

I have a few sets in different materials. The shells that started concert tom madness in the late-sixties, Bleamire, are being made again here in the US, to the original specs, by a 'student' of Allen Blaemire. They are presently making a set of 8 concert toms that will debut at the Chicago Drum Show... and then go home with me! :)

If not, I'll probably just use roto toms.

Roto-Toms are a different 'drum' altogether, with none of the depth of a concert tom. Each has its place, but neither is a substitute for the other.

I bought some used drums off e-bay and had them re-wrapped without the bottom lugs. Works just fine and they sound great with my hydraulic heads.

Add: The hoops got upgraded to 2.3mm too. Forgot to mention that.
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The shells that started concert tom madness in the late-sixties, Bleamire, are being made again here in the US, to the original specs, by a 'student' of Allen Blaemire. They are presently making a set of 8 concert toms that will debut at the Chicago Drum Show... and then go home with me! :)


Well then, that would make me a student's student ;-)