Newbie Question - Double Bass Pedal Setup


Junior Member
Hey All,

I have not had much experience with double bass pedals. I currently own a Taye Drums PSK602C Bass Drum Double Pedal.

The single kick is completely fine and I have been using this without any issues, although when I attach the second kick pedal, everything seems to be fine, but the pedal does not respond properly. When kicking there is srpinging action. I know this is a silly question, but I tried tightening, loosing all sorts of things and no luck.

If someone could help clarify or even point me to an article, I just haven't figured this out and am stupid when it comes to drum hardware.

Thanks! again sorry for such a basic question, but we all start somewhere..

Hey ThadSauce, Welcome aboard. Let's see if we can help you out with that double bass problem. Let me see if you can give us some more pertinent information on the problem, first:

What do you mean by "springing"? Is the beater not making contact with the bass drum head when you engage the secondary (slave side) pedal? Is the connector rod not turning? Is the secondary pedal already engaged and can't be pressed down? If you could be more specific (or even better, a picture would be awesome) we've got some very smart people on these boards (myself excluded, just to clarify) that can really help you out.

Again, welcome aboard, and let's get to fixing this problem!!

Hey Thanks for the quick response. I will work on getting a picture, but in summary the rod moves, the pedal goes down, but it hits the drum and is dead in its track. There is no recoil for it to spring back the pedal board and or the beater.

Thanks again,
Hmm, now that sounds curious. Simply visualizing it, I can think of 2 scenarios that may have played out:
1) chain is off the tracking and it binded causing no recoil
2) sprocket is over-rotated and is beyond the point of allowing the springs to bring it back.

I don't know if either of those scenarios make sense but I'll hold off until you can get a pic for me.
Not sure if this is too obvious, but perhaps make sure that the screw is proper tight between the left hand pedal and the rod, and the screw on the right hand side and the pedal?

Did happen to me live once or twice, id whack it once and itd just stop dead against the head because the screws had come loose/not gripped the rod properly and that was that! Helped that problem by drilling some indentations on the rod and tightening the screws as tight as poss ;)