Speed cobra drive shaft wear - not terribly pleased

2 years for a Chinese-made pinned U-joint that cost Tama 50 cents? Pretty good going I think.

Agreed, a long time actually if you play regularly.

1mm slop is fine by TAMA, the feebleness of their connecting shafts continues to be overlooked. Pin and block design is engineered to wear out quickly.

Pin and block, no thread inserts on the key locks, its all part of TAMA's cheap game. Here's one where you go to the top. Hope TAMA reads these boards. Yapping to a dealer won't get things changed.

"You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run...."

I say 'run' from Tama double pedal connecting shafts. TRICK, AXIS, and PEARL retro fits.
I see I have to modify my expectations of quality product from big-name manufacturers then. Will the Trick 5.0 shaft definitely fit these pedals? If so, I'll order one immediately.