Felt strips - where do you put yours?

Liebe zeit

Silver Member
I just got a Ludwig 26" bass drum and I'm lovin the big boomy sound. But it's has got quite a lingering buzz to it so have invested in some felt strips to "focus the sound" a bit, as Mr Ocheltree calls it.

Have you put felt strips in your bass drum? If so, which side - batter, reso or both?
I had on one my batter side. my reso had a hole in it so it really didint do as much as a non ported head. W/o a hole in the reso, i would recomend both. 26!!!! nice.
Batter side depends on what head I am using. If it is premuffled I don't use one. If the reso is unported ,I will use a 3" wide felt strip on it.
I put mine about 4 inches off center on both my batter and resonant heads. 22x17 bass drum. Vertical orientation, because I think it looks better that way.
14"x18" on batter side only running approx.2:00 down to 5:00. Strip is about 1.5" wide.

I run the same deal on two different bass drums.
14"x18" on batter side only running approx.2:00 down to 5:00. Strip is about 1.5" wide.

I run the same deal on two different bass drums.

Same here. Batter and reso side. On a 20" Ludwig Classic Maple.
I would recommend a felt strip on the batter side only... Especially if you're going for that Bonham sound. I have a Coated Emperor batter and Coated Ambassador reso, and I only muffle the batter. Leaving the reso unmuffled (and without port hole) with give you that boomy resonating rumble rather than a quick, dead punch. I had felt strips on both heads at one point but now prefer only batter. Plus, I really can't find any evidence that Bonham used felt front and back except for Jeff Ocheltree claiming he did.

And congrats on the new kit!
I would recommend a felt strip on the batter side only...
I reckon that's what I'm gonna go for first. TBH, I reckon I could just about live with the sound of the two unmuffled heads, but it's the feel of the batter that's odd right now. It's got a lot of vibration going on and is strange in terms of response, so I reckon focussing it down a bit from completely wide open is what I want.

Oh, yeah, I'm loving the new kit. It feels like it fits! Here's the pic again :D

On my DW Classic 22" x 16" bass drum.


And my 20" x 16" Ludwig Classic Maple drum.


I vary the width of the strip depending on the diameter of the bass drum. This essentially gives me the opportunity to fine tune my bass drum's sound when using the felt strips and still maintain the amount of sustain I want to hear from the drum.
