My argument for G Pluses as great Resos


Gold Member
They are single ply, and resonate better than double ply, but are thicker than G1s or Ambassadors for a fuller or thicker sound.
I think they are way to thick for a reso head. Dont quote me but at 12 mill, they may be the thickest single ply on the market. I have them on the batter side and just love the tone. Very melodic. But hell go for it.. Let me know how you make out. What are you playing on top???
I've outfitted a Yamaha Stage Custom kit with G-Plus top and bottom and they sound great. Round, full, and thick, just like Strangelove mentioned.

While slightly thicker than "usual" bottom heads they're by no means too thick to resonate properly. If anything, I think they increase sustain and round out the tone nicely.

I think they're a great head, and now that they're available in standard white coating I think they're one of the best heads Evans is making.
Winston. I also think it is Evens best head. The tone and sustain is a thing of beauty. And you can tune them bright or fat. And they sing. Just never thought of them as reso's. But it got my interest..
Definately - I am a big fan of using the same thickness head
top and bottom (for toms) although I would go coated on top.
I still argue that if you want the true tone of the drum to be there, the membrane sides must be the same, all things being equal. Which is why whatever I have on top goes on the bottom. Right now I have Vintage Emperors top and bottom and those drums sound great. I've also heard great drums with thinners resos too, so you can really do whatever you want. For me, the purchasing part is easier, and being a little old school, I can always just flip the drum over at a gig if I break the batter and still get through the night with something that feels the same, even though it doesn't sound the same.
use the search option, a guy in this forum made a video G2/Gplus vs G2/G1.

the G2/Gplus had more tone and sustain and the G2/Gplus had more high overtones
I'm using G Plus over G Plus right now on my jazz kit and the toms just sing! - even at a much higher tuning. We've been seeing a lot more people using these as resos lately because of the more full-bodied sound they offer.

I have been using G1's over G-plus for a while now and would not use anything else. Awesome to say the least.