Sam ash and Guitar center buying used drums


Will Sam Ash or GC buy a used electric drum set? I am lookin to sell the Roland td-4sx which was 1400 new when I bought it. Will they buy gear like this, and do they give cash?
Yes they both buy used gear all the time.

Keep in mind, they buy it for less than typical re-sale value, because they have to make a profit when they sell it at normal going rates. But it's quicker process than trying to sell on craigslist and hoping someone comes through for you. It's up to you on the trade off of a lower-quicker payment over holding out for more money is worth it or not.

As for that specific item, that is up to the department and store manager.
They really low ball prices, but if you're in a real hurry to sell your stuff and don't want the full price you could get out of it then sure....
My Sam Ash asks if you want cash or store credit when they do there appraisal...I have made out well with getting store credit... actually better then if I sold on ebay once you count the ebay fees... have even made money on a couple snares I traded in that were bought on ebay..