Click track basics


Senior Member
Assuming that the drummer isn't recording to the click track alone and will be using a guide guitar track in one shape or form, what's the most common mix a drummer records to? I'm guessing it's a mix of click and guide guitar? Is it unheard of to record to only the guide guitar track?
Is the guitar track done to a click? If then, I would listen primarly to the guitar with a bit of click mixed in.

When I do things all by myself, I typically put a simple pattern from a drum machine down and then track guitar or piano parts over that. That sets the song structure and gives a basic musical rhythm for the other parts to play to. Then I'll add bass and additional comp instruments. I like to put the actual drums on towards the end. On instrumentals, I put them on after the solos, so I can respond to dynamics and phrasing of the solos. This makes it sound more like a real band than something assembled out of flat tracks.
whenever i've been in the studio we usually record a "scratch track" of the whole band playing and singing along to a click that everyone hears in their phones. The scratch track doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough to serve as a guide. Once that's done, each person listens to the playback of the scratch track (and click) in their headphones while laying down their individual instrument track. I usually start first with my drum tracks, and then everyone else follows. When all the tracks are done, the scratch track is not included in the final mix, obviously.