Karl Crafton, good guy


"Uncle Larry"
So recently, I scored a mid 60's Acrolite. The P-83 arrived broken, and the hoops weren't original. I hit Karl up to see if he could tell me if Ludwig still made the P-83, I had no luck finding a new one. (They want like 70 USD for a used P-83 on Ebay) Karl verified that they don't make a P-83 anymore.

Karl offered to send me a pair of thinner Ludwig hoops (like the originals) and a P-85 strainer. He also included the butt strap plate. What a guy. I finally got the drum all cleaned up and lubed and put the new parts on it and it sounds great! So lively!

So I wanted to thank Karl for being a good guy and helping a brother out.

Thanks Karl!
I remember when someone started that "Douchiest Drummers" thread I thought of creating a "Classiest Drummers" thread. I would have put Karl at #1.

I remember, at least a year back, Karl was very helpful in providing sound clips and a thorough review of a ride that was thinking about buying. People like Karl make me happy to be a part of the drummer community.

For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow for he's ...
Not only is this a great story in it's own right, It's so typical of Karl's general helpful & supportive approach. It comes across so strongly in his posts, you hardly need to hear of these examples of going beyond, to form a picture of the perfect drumming brother. Nice one Karl :)
I also agree, Karl is one of the good guys for sure. Very helpful and honest. One day he will own a supralite!
I feel like a heel because, although Karl and I live just a few miles from each other, I have never made it out to one of his shows. I came close but incredible forces managed to ruin it. Buddy, I promise you I will make it out to one soon.

Anyway, yeah, it doesn't take long to figure out that Karl is one of the good guys. He is helpful beyond belief and just goes out of his way. And he doesn't have a disparaging word to say about anyone.

It's nice to read a nice thread like this, Larry. Good on you. And Karl is most deserving.

Something about drummers from the Detroit area, I tell ya.... :)
I have to agree, Karl has helped me out prior to buying my Supraphonic snare. He was dead on with his assessment.
Thank you for the nice words guy's. I agree, this is a great community we have here.

I'm really happy the stuff worked out, and the snare is all cool now Larry! It was my pleasure!

I'm afraid that I never knew you were a go-to snare guy.

I swear, I learn something new around here all the time.

Not only is he a good guy, as Larry's example shows, but Karl's real-world opinions and advice are spot on, in my experience.

Karl, you've got my utmost respect and admiration. Proud to be a part of the same community, my friend.
and his black glass (broken glass glitter or whatever they call it) is one of the most gorgeous ludwig kits I have ever seen... stunning. Sweet rack-o-drums too!
Karl thanks for the info on H.B two years agoThere is no Drum Store in this area like it, also your take on muffling your bass drum,it works .
Karl thanks for the info on H.B two years agoThere is no Drum Store in this area like it, also your take on muffling your bass drum,it works .

Wildbil, can you refer me to this thread?
Karl thanks for the info on H.B two years agoThere is no Drum Store in this area like it, also your take on muffling your bass drum,it works .

Hah, that reminds me. In some previous thread where Karl was discussing how he sets up his bass drums he menntioned how he uses a piece of an old head that is taped to the batter head. Prevents damage to the BD and doesn't affect the tone quite as much as a flam slam patch.
I just saw this. I should add that Karl is always helpful and a great source of information. If I am ever in Detroit, I'll have to check out his band and see those Ludwigs.
i'll second that. Karl has helped me an awful lot with the intricacies and minutiae of drumming and the drum kit.

Hat's off !!!!!