DW 7000 Double Bass Pedals Issue


Junior Member
Hey everybody! So I am using the DW 7000 double bass drum pedals (I'm not sure if they are on the market any more), and I'm having an issue with their functionality. The construction is pretty solid, and the pedals seem to translate the motion from the pedal to the beater fairly well, but whenever I play heel up in order to play a fast pattern (e.g., straight single-stroke sixteenth notes) the beaters rock around a lot and give sort of a "galloping" sound, such that there is not necessarily a one-to-one correspondence between the pedal motion and the beater, but rather a sort of oscillatory effect (note: I tried to play similar patterns on a friend's set using different double bass pedals [Pearl], and I could play sixteenth notes fairly well, so I don't think my technique is the culprit, at least not entirely ;) ). I took it to Guitar Center and the associate recommended trying different beaters since I used the stock ones initially and they were indeed fairly heavy (seemingly intended more for the higher end DW pedals, e.g., 9000s). I bought two Tama beaters per his recommendation (product description) and tried them, but I still am having a similar issue. Do you think I should go with even lighter beaters (if so, any recommendations)? Or is there something else I'm missing here? I got the pedals a while ago (ca. 2007), and they were like $250 so then; while they are certainly not high-end pedals, I would think they should be able to be used to at least play even sixteenths (which I could do easily on my friend's similarly priced Pearl pedals [not sure which model unfortunately for the record!]). Thanks in advance for your help!
I'm not sure what all of your terms mean but do you bury the beater and are you getting a dribbling effect, or double bounces on the bass drum head?