Need help with finding a drum loop program...


Junior Member
Ok, so let me start by saying I am a drummer. I'm not looking for a program to play the drums for me. I'm needing a program that will be mainly used in church. We don't have a percussionist, and I want a program that can fill that extra void, while also keeping everyone on the same rhythm (the keyboardist, my brother, likes to start songs way faster than they are supposed to be, lol). I'm wanting a program that can do a lot of really good shakers, maybe and few bongos and congas, and sometimes even one simple guitar strum for an intro to a song. Programs I've considered are FL Studio Express, Acid Music Studio 8, and Ableton Live Intro. I don't really wanna pay over $100, and less than $50 would be amazing. Which of those programs will work best, easiest, and fastest for what I'm wanting to do? If anyone has another suggestion that would be great, but my main concern is with these programs.
Thank you
Hydrogen (drum machine software) is free and good. I use it as a metronome whenever I need something more programmable than a normal metronome.

There's also LMMS which can do drums plus more (sampler/tracker/MIDI). I use it for making simple bass loop play-alongs.

Both mention Linux in their names/descriptions, but there are Windows builds available of both (probably Mac too).
Thanks for the help. I tried out Hydrogen. Didn't really like it that much.
Any info on the programs I listed would be great.
I was out, so I went to GC, and BIG shocker *sarcasm*, they were no help at all. I would ask a question and add something like "I know it does *blah blah*." and their answer to help me would be what I told them it did. Really, lol? Anyway, I'm considering FL Studio Express and Acid Music Studio. Both are about $50. Still not sure which one though.