Amazing internet jam site - no latency

no latency = impossible

I am a drummer and notice latency. I hear none. It sounds like everyone is mixed in my system as if they were in the room. I played for three hours last week and loved every minute of it. (I am an engineer and don't get how there is no latency either - especially if there are any satellite hops)

There are apparently other sites that have this feature. Online Jams for one. Now they charge a fee which over time is more than Reaper by far. (Reaper is free for 30 days then only $60 - Ninjam is a free app and the connections are free). Having said that I have not tried online Jams yet so it may be great.

Since Reaper is free to try and ninjam and the connections are free there is no risk to try it. (For a DAW Reaper is very computer and CPU friendly. Not a huge program to load and it doesn't kill resources)
I use the music programme spotify, you stream music to your computer, but you cant record it; anyways there is no, latency or stuttering in the programme, you can even click half way through the song and theres no problem with that, I cannot understand how the programme works flawlessly? But it does.
I think the op misunderstands how NINJAM works. You're not playing together in real time. It's kind of like the classic dueling banjos in that you play your piece, then they play theirs, then you play yours, etc.

The difference is that it's mixed together. So what you are currently hearing and playing to is a recording of what was played by the other people in your "jam" session one "measure" ago. So if you decide to throw in a fill right now, your jam-mates will hear it in the next "measure." If you look at the home page of NINJAM they actually tell you all of this. They say they make the latency LONGER so that it can be used as a measure.

Also, note that if you use their servers as opposed to setting up your own they record and keep your jam session. Currently they're making (at least some) of these recorded sessions available for all to stream. So if you don't want other people doing whatever they want with your music you'll have to set up and administer your own server.