Field Trip to the... Apple Store?

I'd have been a lot happier if this were a trip to the apple factory. There would be all kinds of things to learn about electronics, manufacturing, robotics, etc.

The same goes for zil. I'd support a trip to the factory to see the process, what I would not support is a trip to the zildjian retail outlet where a zil rep takes the kids and shows them products trying to get them excited about them and where the only real "learning" is learning the product line offered by the company.

I agree wholeheartedly. Of course, a trip to the Apple factory might be a teensy bit on the expensive side, what with the trans-Pacific flights and all.

I remember going to a dairy farm when I was in grade school. It was interesting to see how the cows were milked and that whole process. I think it's good for people to know where their food comes from, how it's processed and how it gets to them. I don't think they were trying to get us to consume more dairy products. And something tells me that if they took us to a slaughter house instead there would've suddenly been a whole bunch of vegan kids at my grade school.
Training vs. Education...

Most parents are happy for their children to receive sex education.

How many would be happy for their children to receive sex training?

Ha ha ha ! Most excellent point, but really a detour from the main thrust of this thread

Training to me is not really thinking, it's like programming a computer. OK granted you learn some things specific to whatever you are being trained on. The larger question is do we want generations of kids who are good at being trained, or do we want generations of kids who can actually think critically for themselves? I believe generally speaking most people can be trained very easily, it's not much of a challenge. That's aiming too low though. I'd rather have a child who can think critically and actually use their own minds, rather than regurgitate facts.

I still maintain those school boards are selling out the kid's educations to people who basically bribe the school with wares. That's so twisted, corrupted, irresponsible, short sighted, damaging, and in my mind, criminal. Money, not children, is the only thing that matters. This whole issue makes that fact crystal clear.
I see 'training' and 'education' being debated a lot in this thread. Again, I'm not advocating one way or another, and I would like to throw out another word, 'exposure'. By exposure, I mean seeing something that a young person may have not had an opportunity to see, like how to make a movie or create a song. Not all parents can afford to buy their kids expensive items like ipads, android, or laptops, nor are the schools equipped to giving kids that type of exposure. Yes I know it is part Apple's marketing that the kids see apple products. However, it has been reported that the average college student owns 7 tech devices so it is hard to blame the company - right or wrong. Also note the people line up at Apple stores to buy the latest iphone and ipads which to me sends a far more dangerous message to our young people.