What got you started playing drums?

Grade 6, the school was starting a band program. My best friend and I at the time decided to join, we wanted to sit together so we picked the trombone. I thought it would be easy, cause there's only 7 positions.

A few months later, I started hanging out with another dude, he played snare. It looked like fun hanging out at the back of the room, so I switched up. We had learned to read rhythms while playing trombone, so without having to play a note to those rhythms, I found it easier. The rest is history.

I think what made me realize that I wanted to pursue music further, was a gig we played in high school, we opened up for "The Waltons", (anybody?), our gymnasium was packed with about 500 kids, just loving our tunes. There was a girl standing at the front of the audience who was a fan of our band, she was singing along to one of our tunes and that's when it hit me. I saw how much enjoyment she was getting and became a huge high for me. I've been chasing that high ever since. I kinda get it every now and again when we've got a club full of people dancing, but nothing has compared to that moment when I saw the huge smile on her face and the happiness in her eyes.

It's always about a girl, isn't it?

That's odd. I could've sworn I had posted on this thread before, but I checked EVERY page and...whata' ya know...NOT ONCE! I would've thought I had. Anyway...

At the definite fact of repeating myself, it was seeing Buddy on the Tonight Show, in the early 70's, that planted the seed for me. I'll never forget the feeling I had when I saw him play. I was in absolute awe watching him. I was about 10 years old at the time, and it was the first time that I can remember being totally into what I was witnessing. WOW!

And about 5 years later... hearing "Freewill", from Permanent Waves(Neil Peart), and just realizing THIS is what I want to do as much as possible...play the drums.

That about sums it up. ;-)
Music-The Who
Drummer- Most likely Keith Moon
Person-The drum teacher at my school :)
Style-Rock, metal
Inspirations-You know the scene in Wayne's World where Garth does that drum solo in the music shop? Probably that :p
Music- The first band of which I appreciated the drums was System of a Down. SOAD was also the first band which I learned to properly appreciate besides lyrics. Then I rediscovered Rush from my childhood, and got to know Neil's sexy beats. (I probably would never have learned to appreciate Rush if it weren't for SOAD, honestly.)

Drummer- Neil Peart. Enough said.

Person- My dad, who is a guitarist, and once played drums in his time. (I have his sticks.)

Style- My home style is hard rock, but I want to expand into jazz, blues, African folk and reggae.

Inspirations- At the same time I was rediscovering Rush, I was playing piano. I am a crappy pianist and composer. Then I realized that while my melodic compositions may suck, they all have interesting beats to them. Then I figured I would make a better percussionist than any other musician.

I also had visions of myself in the Limelight, pulling stunts like playing an entire tour leg blindfolded, playing with one arm tied behind my back, etc. I've always wanted to be the sort of person other people look up to. I'm a self-centered person by nature, but instead of calling myself selfish, I want to put that to good use and inspire other people, and I figured drumming and drawing would be the way to do it.
When I was 5, I bought a record for the 1st time. Phil Collins, No Jacket Required. Pretty Kick "A" album for a five year old to cut his teeth upon. After the first side of the record I was in trouble for dragging my mom's pots/pans and wooden spoons out. I still like the record!
Music- 60s R&B, Rock n Roll, Soul,
Drummer- Keith Moon
Person- Everyone who's ever put an ad in the classifieds saying Drummer Wanted
Style- Learning style
Inspirations- At the moment I'm listening for inspiration... to... The Who, early High Numbers stuff, The Pretty Things, Rolling Stones, and The Kingsmen's "Louie Louie."
Hey im new here :D

Music: Definatly Dream Theater (Mike Portnoy is just amazing imo), Rush, Spocks Beard and some more
Drummer: Mike Portnoy, Neil Peart
Person: Mike Portnoy pretty much inspired me to take the drum seriously, along with Neil Peart
Style: Prog Rock drumming mainly, Metal and Rock

Ever since I was little I always like tapping to the beats of songs, but never really considered getting a kit. I did have Bongos which was pretty much as close as I could get. Last year in August I finally got my first kit and still building it, I play alot on the kit at school which has a double pedal and Im thinking of adding 2nd bass drum to my kit at home as I think overall it would look alot better than just a double pedal (I know I know.. but the look of the kit motivates me), anyway things are going well! Only been playing for 7months and can play alot of Dream Theater stuff. My fav thing to play is Octavarium by Dream Theater, Ill be posting vids on my YouTube account and Ill tell you guys when I do. I also play Piano. :D
. tommy lee....i heard wildside back when it waz new and i waz like thats gonna be me one day. so i got a kit started bangin the crap outta them. i played em so hard i waz buying skins every 2 weeks. and it didnt take long b4 the lugs wore out i waz drumless.. 4 a couple wks.....anywayz, iv been playin ever since..
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Music - Has to be the founders of metal e.g Metallica (Lars Ulrich), Iron Maiden (Nicko Mcbrain), Black Sabbath (Bill Ward) etc etc

Drummer - Torn between two. Lars Ulrich of Metallica and John Bonham of Led Zeppelin.

Person - My dad once had a band and was telling me about it once. Also a friend from school, who started in about Year 3 or something, and I started in like Year 6. Much better than him now nevertheless :D.

Style - About 90% rock and metal, with also some work on funk. I don't know why I never got into Jazz drumming. I have an Art Blakey CD with the Jazz Messengers and I love it, it's amazing. But I never really got into it.

Inspirations - Fast paced stuff eg Slayer (Dave Lombardo), DragonForce (Dave Mackintosh) and some of Nicko Mcbrain with Iron Maiden. I also think Joey Jordison of Slipknot is amazing, and again Lars from Metallica.
At first, I started playing acoustic guitar, but after a few months of practicing hard, and still being bad at it, I saw that strings just aren't my thing; Yet, I wanted to make music, to be a part of a band. I tried drums, and instantly fell in love with them. So I would say I started to play out of curiosity which instrument would suit me best. Trial and error. I missed only once :)
The defining moment that made me a drummer:
Really didn't have anything to do with me wanting to become a musician, I
actually was a writer and an artist.

But one of my best friends and I were sitting in my room listening to Boston.
Just joking around I sat on the edge of my bed and started to play air-drums.
Since he was a guitarist I didn't want to take his air-guitar solo. I played through
a good part of the song and noticed he was just kinda looking at me with a
sort of strange grin. Then as soon as the song ended he excitingly piped up
and said "Man It Really Looked Like You Were Playing That Song...You should
get a drum kit!" I was like...'really?'..."Yeah definately!" he replied.
So that week we found someone with a used drum kit for $40. 4 months later
I purchased my first Tama kit with my graduation money. Still using the
Avanti hi-hats and Sonor crash from the $40 kit for 5yrs. And i've been playing
ever since...never taking more than few days off in between when I was new and

Looking back I wish I never used the Sonor cymbal. I ended up breaking
it, and not knowing what I had back then was a vintage piece that would be
nearly impossible to replace.
Music- Skynyrd, Clapton, Hendrix, a lil bit of Sabbath

Drummer- The Rev. Tholomew Plague

Person- probably my father, he is really musically talented.

Style- more of a metalhead then anything. i know how to play jazz and some punk too

Inspirations- Anything from Judas Priest to Buddy Rich
I remember as a kid that my mom would let me stay up late (on a school night) to watch Buddy Rich on the Tonight Show. He was always amazing. That's when I knew that I wanted to play. Of course time has passed and life as gotten in the way...and I'm finally back to do love.
Music - Zeppelin, Yardbirds, Foo Fighters (yah..thats odd)

Drummer - I'm currently digging Stanton Moore

Person - God himself who gave me this constant need to bang, tap, stomp, and slap on anything within arms length because I certainly didn't get it from my parents.

Style - Early rock and blues

Inspirations - My son. I want to be able to give this to him. And teach him that even in the hardest times of his life, never give up on the things you love.
My older brother got a drum set for his birthday and only played for about a month then lost interest in it so I started playing it. That was 40 years ago.
I can't remember. :(

I think it had something to do with a previous crush of mine who said she liked drums. Either that or it was a drum at the Yamaha at the nearby mall that caught my eye :)
Watching music videos of Pinoy rock artists... I've always wanted a drum kit but couldn't afford one, so I gave up. Then Rock Band came out... :p
Man i'll never forget what got me into drumming. I was walking home from school one day with my mate and he turned to me and said i'm learning bass guitar and i want to start a band. I was like cool. He said to me, 'will you learn drums?' and i said yeah and the more i thought of the prospect, the more i liked it. So the day after i sat behind the kit and had no idea what to do. A girl i knew had learned rock 4 and showed me the basic beat so i tried it. I couldn't put the bass drum in right away so i remember playing this beat without a bass drum for a good few weeks. But i would sit in the music block every night and play drums when i eventually did put the bass drum in, some incredible feeling came over me that i was accomplishing something great even though it's so basic now. Then i started to teach myself individual things like open hi-hats and fills and i would make sure that i got the beat i wanted before i left to go home. A few drummers who got lessons in school showed me some more basic stuff which i played for a while but when i got to a certain point i just rocketed and 1 and a half years later i thought that what i could play was great, then 2 new guys came into to school and showed me stuff, i was blown away and it made me realise that i knew nothing in comparison to what they did which just fed my hunger to learn more. 5 years later and i'm still teaching myself and it is the best thing in the world.