Recording a 24*14


Senior Member
Were entering the studio i jan. and im planning to use my dw 24*14 for recording. I currently have a ambassador coated batter w/ a smooth white resonant ( ported 4").
I use it with a dwpillow when rehearsing, otherwise its to resonant.
might say that i have akg d 112 inside w/ maymiking and i use it while rehearsing, its got plenty of attack and thickness, im very pleased with it, but without the mic the drum is to thin sounding and i have trouble finding a sweet spot.

anyway, i going to buy new skins for the recording and like to get your opinions what you think would work best in studio, maybe i`ll just go for the ambassador & smooth white combo again, trusting the studiomagic catching my dream sound.

any out there having recording experience with a 24*14??

thanks in advance!

I recorded my first 2 c.d.'s with a 24X14 Slingerland. I used a coated ambassador batter and actually an ebony ambassador reso. with a rolled towel against the batter head. Sounded good.
Coated Ambassador batter, smooth white or ebony reso is my suggestion.
Get as live a sound as possible that is tuned up well before you go in.

With a more live sounding bass drum, you can damp it down if you need to, but you can't get any more life out of a pre-muffleed head.
What you get is what you are stuck with with any pre-muffed head--and theres always the chance of getting the dreaded "inside the basketball" sound with even a slightly pre-damped head.

I have a D12 also--great mic!
Experiment with the placement, and a 4" hole is plenty, especially if you want a bit of front head resonance to add to the total sound of the bass drum.
A 14x24 is a really nice size to record with, mine always sounded really good. Punchy, with enough beef to sound huge if you wanted it too, otherwise it just sounds like a really nice bass drum.

Have fun!!