New Website - Please answer a quick question

Win Vista
1920 x 1080 resolution
Looks fine
Yes, is it like that on yours?


My screen's at 1280 x 800 so if the browser is maximised then it's perfect.

However ... your banner is about 720 pixels wide. So if I reduce the size of my browser window to below 720 pixels, then it truncates. If a screen has a very low res then not all of the image will appear.

If the title was text then it would wrap, but it's an image.
My screen's at 1366 x 768 pixels, it look perfect for me. :)

Sure ... the banner is 732 pixels wide so it will easily fit into your 1366 pixels on screen.

I'm fairly sure the issue is screen size / res. Jeff, I'd be inclined to reduce the image size from 732 x 137 to 600 x 112. Still plenty big enough to make a splash

Another option is to set the max width attribute in CSS: