What is your dream job?

that guy who sits on a bench eating fruit from ladies hands. yeah, roman emperor.
A job without chimpanzees impersonating people.
Better yet, a job without people.
I know this sounds weird, but for some reason (if drumming doesn't work out) I would want to be an interior designer. Furniture really fascinates me and all the new combinations never get old for me.
I'll throw a spanner in the works and say that whatever dream job any of us can envision would sooner or later become boring.

I'm not denying there are better jobs that others, but it's a bit like fantasing about winning the lottery – we all imagine we would be happy forever and be set-up for life, when studies show that people who win the lottery are no happier approx. 1 year after they win.

This also applies to paraplegics, who approx. 1 year after their 'tragedies' return to previous levels of happiness before they became paraplegic. It has something to do with the brain. We all chase happiness and wellbeing but these aren't default states; happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes and is never permanent because the brain simply won't allow it.

Don't tell that to the self-help industry though, it might collapse if people were to learn the truth.

But yeah, my dream job would be getting to travel to new countries sampling fine restaurant food. Food critic. We gotta eat anyways, after all.
I'll throw a spanner in the works and say that whatever dream job any of us can envision would sooner or later become boring.

I'm not denying there are better jobs that others, but it's a bit like fantasing about winning the lottery – we all imagine we would be happy forever and be set-up for life, when studies show that people who win the lottery are no happier approx. 1 year after they win.

This also applies to paraplegics, who approx. 1 year after their 'tragedies' return to previous levels of happiness before they became paraplegic. It has something to do with the brain. We all chase happiness and wellbeing but these aren't default states; happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes and is never permanent because the brain simply won't allow it.

Been listening to Dan Gilbert's Ted talk, Tommy? http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/dan_gilbert_asks_why_are_we_happy.html ... it's long but well worth the time ...

His studies suggested that chasing happiness doesn't make you happy - but interpreting things positively (synthetic happiness) does. I'd still prefer to be retired, though :)
I don't think this would be a dream job on a permanent basis, but I've always really wanted to soundtrack a video game. I'm a huge video game junkie, and some musicians I really admire have done video game soundtracks before (Trent Reznor with "Quake", Chris Vrenna with "Alice", etc.). Even without big names behind them, I could point out a bunch of games with awesome soundtracks. I'd love to take a crack at it.

I wouldn't even know how to even go about that really. Maybe befriend some gaming design school student and go from there?