Remo Black Suede Emperors?

Adam Bourque

Senior Member
Hello, I have been wanting to replace my stock heads for my kit for quite some while. My friend suggested these, and I love how they are black heads to make a unique feeling. Any reviews on them from any of you before I get them? And does this look like a good buy? I will also need a 10 inch, so if you know another good package or any other websites that can save me money please tell me! My toms are 10, 12, 13, 16.

Also, I will be wanting a new Snare drum head, if you want to suggest me one great! Not sure if I will want a black drum head or just the white to let it stand out.

Although my main question was if I could get them anywhere cheaper or in a package deal with a 10 inch included.

Why not just get the package and then add one additional 10" head by itself? The cost of one extra head is minimal.......especially in the US, where you don't pay $30 bucks for a single.
Why not just get the package and then add one additional 10" head by itself? The cost of one extra head is minimal.......especially in the US, where you don't pay $30 bucks for a single.
yeah i will do this, hopefully they can ship together, because i dont want to pay extra for shipping