Robert "Sput" Searight

I've come across Jaga Jazzist before. I don't have any of their albums, but The Stix is on my list of albums to buy.

Here is another track by Snarky Puppy. I like the bass and organ solos in this one.

I think Snarky Puppy is kinda of a mix of STS9, Lotus, and Soulive. Another good band to check out is Pnuma Trio. They have a bunch of stuff that you can get for free from the internet archives. trio
Personally I think "What We Must" and "One Armed Bandit" are their best albums =) The tracks Oslo Skyline
and All I Know Is Tonight have sort of become the hits from What We Must and from the One Armed Bandit
album, I really like Bananfluer Overalt (which literally means Fruit Flies/Vinegar Flies Everywhere) and
Music! Dance! Drama! (but this track is SO much more awesome live :p )
He is one of my influences! Love this guy's playing!
Glad this thread is here...discovered Snarky Puppy about a year ago and they became an instant favorite...Hoping "sput" and snarky puppy become more really is the music of the future!
Figured someone would be interested in this since there was some assorted discussion about Sput in some other threads recently, and Snarky Puppy just released a new album with an orchestra, lol–here's a partial shot of Sput's setup for the Coutances Jazz Festival 2015 taken from this video.


Definitely a 22" Vintage Sand crash-ride up on the left, 16" Extra Dry Medium Thin hats, Generation X Safari ride or crash, and some persuasion of the Vintage Pure ride on the right. I'll update this post if I find a more complete shot in the video...

Oh, and here's one of Nate Werth's setup as well. Lots of Byzance Vintage in this one.

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These are my two favourite Sput clips.

This one is not the same as on his DW roster page. The groove here is so tight.

And this is very early Sput that I remember watching before he became a known name, where I think he was probably chopping even more technical than he is now.

That second clip is a ridiculous performance! But my ears hurt from the bright handclap samples (or whatever that sound is).